Please follow the below format when writing compounding prescriptions. For hand-written prescriptions, please begin the script with "Compounded Medication." This will ensure we have all the information we need to compound your patient's medication in a timely manner. If you would like to discuss formulations or have any questions, please reach out — our team is always happy to assist you!
Compounded Medication*
Generic Name of Active Ingredient(s)
Strength or Dose (i.e., mg, gm, %)
Dosage Form (i.e., cream, suppository, troche, etc.)
Quantity desired
Directions for Use
Name & DOB:
Prescriber Information
A patient could meet with their provider every day and get a new prescription each trip, and it wouldn't do anything if the medication isn't the right fit for their needs or they won't take it for one reason or another. We are dedicated to working together with you to customize our patients' regimens to make the medication more effective and improve overall medication compliance.
We would be happy to provide more information about our compounding services and our state-of-the-art compounding lab (we're happy to talk about our other pharmacy services, too!). If there is an opportunity to better serve you or our patients, we are ready to explore it.
Your time is valuable, so let's find a time to talk when we won't have interruptions. Schedule a meeting with us at your convenience by clicking the button below.